Minor Project: Haelan Herbs

04/04/2023 - 16/07/2023 ( Week 01 - Week 15)


Important Links

MIRO Board

Final Project Document

Task 01: Proposal

Week 01: Topic Selection & Contextual Research

In this module, our project entails collaborating with a brand to develop a comprehensive brand identity design solution for their product marketing. As part of the project requirements, we formed a group comprising 6-7 individuals with various specializations to effectively carry out the project tasks. My group is made up of Adena and Adeline from Graphic Design, Yi Ki and Adlina from Digital Animation, Sasiliva from Entertainment Design and myself from UI/UX Design. After being given a list of collaborators to choose from, we opted to work on Brandialogue's brief, which involves creating a brand identity for an apothecary brand specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda herbs, and agarwood products.

My Contextual Research

Fig 1.1 Assigned tasks for contextual research

Fig 1.2 My research for current trends in the parenting and family product market with source links

Fig 1.3 My notes on MIRO Board

To initiate the project, we started on contextual research, utilizing online resources to gather valuable information related to our topic. Through collaborative discussions, we determined the specific areas to focus our research on, including future and past trends, market size and growth in the herbal industry, competitor analysis, and customer reviews. To ensure efficiency, we divided these research tasks among our team members, allowing us to cover a broader scope while maximizing individual expertise.

In my assigned section, I focused on conducting research specifically on the current trends within the parenting and family product market. By delving into this area, our aim was to gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and identify opportunities for our brand's potential success. Thus, I analysed various factors such as emerging trends, consumer preferences, and market demands to assess how well our brand aligns with the current landscape. This research played a crucial role in helping us evaluate the viability and potential prospects for our brand

Fig 1.4 Everyone's contextual research summary

Meeting with Mr. Damien

During week 2, we had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Damien, who introduced us to the product manufactured by their company, OUD incense sticks. He provided us with a comprehensive overview of the project requirements, which encompassed various aspects such as developing a compelling brand story, designing packaging, creating a website, and more. Additionally, we engaged in a productive discussion regarding a planned visit to the Dadvance Agarwood Solutions Sdn Bhd store located in Bukit Jalil. Together, we determined a mutually convenient date and time for the visit, and subsequently confirmed these details with Mr. Damien. This interaction allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the product, project scope, and the upcoming site visit, setting the stage for further progress in our collaboration.

Weeks 02 - 03 Persona and Questionnaire Questions

Following the feedback provided by Mr. Mike, we proceeded with our project's progress, focusing on defining our target persona and formulating insightful interview questions. Incorporating the feedback received, we refined our understanding of the target audience and their needs. 

To start, we identified and defined our target personas in a concise and practical manner for our research purposes. These personas included individuals who currently use herbal products, those who are new to them, individuals who have not yet tried herbal products, and mothers of newborns. As a team, we engaged in collaborative discussions to develop detailed profiles for each persona and crafted specific interview questions tailored to their unique perspectives and experiences. Additionally, we incorporated a set of general questions to obtain a broader overview across all personas. After receiving feedback from Mr. Mike regarding our personas, we used color highlighting on sticky notes to indicate the selected questions that would be included in our final Google form. Furthermore, we compiled a list of potential interviewees whom we could approach to gather their insights and responses based on the formulated questions.

Fig 2.1 Persona Profiles on MIRO Board

Fig 2.2 Draft Questions on MIRO

After receiving feedback from Mr. Mike during week 3, we made some important adjustments to our Google form format. Instead of targeting specific interviewees, we decided to transform it into an open questionnaire accessible to everyone. This modification was necessary as conducting face-to-face interviews with all participants was not feasible. In line with Mr. Mike's feedback, we also refined the sentence structures of certain questions and introduced multiple-choice answers, checkboxes, and short and long text response formats.

To streamline the questionnaire experience, we designed it in such a way that respondents would be directed to specific persona group questions based on their answer to question 8 in the general questions section. This allowed for a more targeted and relevant approach, ensuring that participants only answered questions relevant to their specific circumstances. For respondents who indicated that they were not familiar with or currently using herbal products, they were given the option to submit the form directly, saving them from unnecessary questions.

At the beginning of the questionnaire, we incorporated a brief introduction to familiarize our respondents with herbal products and provide a clear definition. This introductory section aimed to ensure that participants have a common understanding of what constitutes herbal products as they proceed to answer the subsequent questions. We also looked for images that could help respondents understand the types of herbal fields we are looking to research. I searched for TCM herbs, Yi Ki searched for Ayurveda herbs and Sasilvia searched for agarwood and other examples. Lastly, Sasilvia compiled all the images so it looked neat and cohesive.

In addition, we sought out relevant images that could aid respondents in understanding the various types of herbal fields we are researching. I focused on finding images depicting TCM herbs, while Yi Ki searched for Ayurveda herbs, and Sasilvia looked for images of agarwood and other related examples. Finally, Sasilvia took on the task of compiling all the images, ensuring a visually appealing and cohesive presentation.

Fig 2.3 Initial Draft (Week 2) vs. Revised Version (Week 3) of Google Form Questions

Fig 2.4 Screenshots of whole questionnaire

Fig 2.5 My sharing of the Questionnaire on my social media

Once the questionnaire was finalized, we took proactive measures to promote its reach and garner responses. Each team member shared the questionnaire link through personal contacts, social media platforms, and various online channels. I personally shared the questionnaire with my friends, family, and across my social media networks like Instagram. We aimed at maximizing participation and obtaining a diverse range of responses, particularly for our persona 4 group. By leveraging multiple channels and engaging with different communities, we sought to gather a substantial number of responses to enrich our research and analysis.

Week 04 Data Analysis & Site Visit 

Fig 3.1 Yi Ki's Data Analysis Notes

By the beginning of week 4, we had received a total of 164 responses on our Google Form. I contributed by assisting in sorting the latest data based on age and persona group within the Google Sheet. These collaborative efforts ensured a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the collected data, enabling us to present meaningful insights to Mr. Mike. I helped Yi Ki finish categorising the later end of  responses  as she started off by sorting the raw data based on age and persona group.

We conducted a site visit to D'advance Agarwood Solutions shop in Bukit Jalil, where Mr. Damien graciously guided us through the experience. Ms. Zaiqi joined us during the visit and provided us with a comprehensive explanation of their agarwood products. She shared insights about the agarwood market, their target audience, customer reviews, and the brand's commitment to transparency. During the visit, we had the opportunity to explore and even test some of their featured products, including essential oils, agarwood oil, skincare items, agarwood leaf tea, agarwood chips, incense sticks, terrariums, sculptures, candles, bracelets, coffee, and powder, all infused with agarwood essence. 

Throughout the visit, Ms. Zaiqi addressed our inquiries. Adeline, Yi Ki and I took charge of capturing captivating photographs and videos of the shop and its diverse range of products. Meanwhile, Adena recorded detailed notes of the valuable information shared during the visit.

Link to the site visit photos Yi Ki and I took:  

Fig 3.2 Site Visit Photo I

Fig 3.3 Site Visit Photo II

Fig 3.4 My Group Members

User Journey Map

During a face-to-face meeting, we came together as a team to collaboratively create the User Journey Map. This interactive session allowed us to collectively brainstorm and outline the key contents of the map. We discussed each stage of the user journey, identified important touchpoints, and determined the corresponding user actions and emotions. By working together, we were able to capture a comprehensive representation of the user's experience, ensuring that all relevant aspects were considered.

Fig 3.5 User Journey Map

Final Submission Haelan Herbs Proposal 

Fig 3.6 Final Haelan Herbs Proposal Presentation

Task 02: Devise and produce design management protocols relevant with industry practice

Task 2 entailed the creation of a Gantt chart to effectively assign and organize task roles within our team. Adena, our group leader, took the lead in developing the chart and ensured that the roles and responsibilities were clearly defined. She then sought feedback from the team members to ensure that everyone was comfortable and in agreement with their assigned tasks.

As the member specialising in UI/UX, I selected the tasks associated with prototyping and wireframing the e-commerce platform. Given that we decided to develop a website for our project, I focused on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. This involved designing wireframes and visual prototypes that effectively showcased the layout, navigation, and overall user experience of the website. By actively taking on these responsibilities, I aimed to contribute to the seamless and engaging design of the e-commerce platform, aligning it with our project goals and user requirements. This includes loading, landing,  about, shop, product, checkout, curated journey process, FAQ, contact sign up / log in, customer profile pages and a side menu.

As an integral part of our design process, we adopted a collaborative approach by establishing a shared Pinterest board among all team members. This board served as a central space where we could collect and curate a wide range of inspiration and references related to various aspects of our project. We utilized the board to gather ideas for social media visuals, collaterals, brand guidelines, products, and UI/UX elements. By collaboratively populating the Pinterest board with visual inspiration, we aimed to foster a cohesive design direction, ensuring that our creative decisions were informed by a diverse range of perspectives and concepts.

Fig 4.1 Minor Project Shared Pinterest Board

Fig 4.2 UI/UX Pinterest Board

Website Wireframes

To initiate the design process, I compiled a comprehensive list of key features and details that demanded attention to ensure an optimal website structure, well-placed content, and a seamless user experience. 

The essential aspects I prioritized include: 
  • Overall Structure: 
    • Defining the foundational framework, including the arrangement of headers, footers, sidebars, and content sections. 
  • Content Placement: 
    • Strategically positioning various content elements to achieve visual balance, readability, and logical flow. 
  • User Experience (UX): 
    • Enhancing the overall user experience by focusing on intuitive navigation, clear information architecture, and engaging interaction design. 
  • Visual Design Elements: 
    • Selecting and implementing an appealing color palette, typography styles, imagery, and graphic elements to create a cohesive visual identity. 
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): 
    • Thoughtfully placing CTAs throughout the website to encourage user engagement, conversions, and goal completion. 

Fig 5.1.1  Overview of Pages

Initial Issue Encountered

At first, I designed the pages using full HD dimensions (1920 x 1080). However, when testing the pages on various devices with different screen sizes, I encountered challenges in achieving a seamless fit. Despite making adjustments and alterations to adapt the design to different sizes, the pages didn't align properly on multiple devices. 

Recognizing the need to address this issue, I adopted a device-centric approach. I selected a classic MacBook 16 Pro as the model to present the pages. By focusing on a specific device, I ensured that the design and layout would be optimized for this particular screen size and resolution. This approach allowed me to showcase the pages in a way that accurately represented their intended visual and interactive elements, mitigating the inconsistencies experienced across different devices.

Fig 5.2.1 Old vs Current Wireframe Dimensions

Moving on, I will highlight the primary objectives and functionalities of each page, ensuring that users can navigate the website effectively and find the information or services they are seeking.

Loading Page

The loading page features a minimalist logo positioned in the center, gradually fading in opacity. Once the loading process is complete, the landing page elegantly swipes up, inviting the user to enter the immersive website experience.

Fig 5.3.1 Loading Page

Landing Page

To engage visitors and guide them through the website, showcasing popular products and inviting them to explore the curated journey process.

  • Prominent call-to-action button for easy access to the online shop
  • Curated journey process button for personalized experiences
  • Horizontal scrolling carousel showcasing popular products
  • OUD Kickstarter campaign to invite user support + button to Kickstarter website page
  • Horizontal scrolling customer testimonials for social proof and to build trust
  • Convenient footer with hyperlinks to each page for easy navigation on every page

Fig 5.4.1 Landing Page

Side Menu

The side menu serves as a vital navigational element within the website, providing users with convenient access to various sections and enhancing the overall user experience. Positioned strategically, the side menu remains easily accessible throughout the user's journey, allowing them to navigate effortlessly between different pages or sections of the website.

  • Static navbar section featuring links to each page 
  • Horizontally scrollable images of each page with corresponding titles

Fig 5.5.1 Side Menu

About Page

To provide a compelling narrative about the company, its origins, mission, and values, while showcasing the team members and establishing credibility.

  • Engaging introductory video
  • Detailed explanations of brand origins and mission
  • Highlighting core values such as sustainability, quality, and customer satisfaction
  • Team members introduction and awards showcase
  • Captivating horizontal gallery of images illustrating sustainable farming and harvesting processes

Fig 5.6.1 About Page

Shop Pages

To showcase and offer a seamless shopping experience for the OUD Kickstarter products, with convenient sorting, presentation and product details.

  • Two pages showcasing OUD Kickstarter products
  • Favouriting option for tracking interested products
  • Immediate display of product price, rating, and number of reviews for informed decision making
  • User-friendly UI buttons for seamless page navigation
  • Heart icon that users can tap to favourite the product / put in wish list
  • Clear product categorization for effortless navigation

Fig 5.7.1 Shop Page I

Fig 5.7.2 Shop Page II

Product Page

To provide detailed information about each product, including descriptions, images, variations, and customer reviews, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

  • High-resolution product images for a detailed view
  • Comprehensive product descriptions, including key features and benefits
  • Interactive product variants selection (e.g., size, color, fragrance)
  • Additional product information, such as ingredients
  • Dropdown menu to choose product variation
  • Counter button to select product quantity
  • Add to cart button
  • Clicking on the "buy now" button takes user to checkout page

Fig 5.8.1 Product Page

Checkout Page

To facilitate secure and efficient order processing, including payment options, order summary, and shipment details, ensuring a smooth transaction.

  • Secure payment gateway options for convenient transactions
    • Payment options UI to swap between choices
  • Automatic calculation of total order cost, including taxes and shipping fees
  • Order summary and breakdown of items, quantities, and prices
  • Clicking "Purchase now" button activates a confirmation popup overlay message

Fig 5.9.1 Checkout Page

Curated Journey Processes

The purpose of the curated journey process is to guide users through a personalized and tailored experience based on their specific health concerns and preferences. It aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations related to herbal products, allowing users to explore suitable options and make informed choices. The curated journey process helps users understand how herbal remedies can address their individual needs and supports them in their journey towards natural health and well-being.

  • Nine sections guiding users through a personalized experience
  • Introduction, personal details, and general health concerns
  • Specific health concerns based on previous answers
  • Preferred herbal consumption and potency choices
  • Options for type of purchase and additional health details
  • Results and recommendations based on user input
  • Dropdown menu to allow users to choose their gender option
  • Varieties of buttons to select answers and also move between pages
  • Loading bar at the bottom indicates amount of progress done

Fig 5.11.1 Curated Journey Process Page 1

Fig 5.11.2 Curated Journey Process Page 2

Fig 5.11.3 Curated Journey Process Page 3

Fig 5.11.4 Curated Journey Process Page 4

Fig 5.11.5 Curated Journey Process Page 5

Fig 5.11.6 Curated Journey Process Page 6

Fig 5.11.7 Curated Journey Process Page 7

Fig 5.11.8 Curated Journey Process Page 8

Fig 5.11.9 Curated Journey Process Page 9

FAQ Page

To address common questions and concerns users may have, providing helpful answers and promoting self-service support for a smoother user experience.

  • Sections covering ingredients, sustainable practices, shipping, and policies
  • Comprehensive list of frequently asked questions and their answers
  • Accordion-style layout for easy navigation and reading
    • Clicking on the - / + enables a dropdown function to reveal the answer to the question
    • Clicking again folds the answer back
  • Clear categorization of topics for quick access to relevant information
  • Opportunity for users to submit additional questions or concerns for future updates
  • Clicking "submit" button activates a confirmation popup overlay message

Fig 5.12.1 FAQ Page

Contact Us Page

To provide a communication channel for users to inquire about products or the company, offering a convenient form for submitting inquiries.

  • Submission form for user inquiries
  • Easy communication channel for product or company-related queries
  • Auto-response or confirmation message upon form submission
  • Clicking "submit" button activates a confirmation popup overlay message

Fig 5.13 Contact Us Page

Sign up / Log in Page

To enable users to create an account, providing access to personalized settings, order history, and loyalty program benefits.

  • Account creation for new users
  • Easy registration process with minimal required information
  • Clicking on the "Log in" button will take the user to the customer profile page

Fig 5.14.1 Sign up / Log in Page

Customer Profile Page

To allow users to manage their account details, such as shipping addresses, payment methods, and communication preferences, for a personalized experience.

  • Overview of account details, such as name, email, and membership status
  • Shipping address and preferred payment method management
    • Ability to update shipping address and payment methods
  • Rewards or loyalty program information and point balance
  • Clicking on the "change account" button will take the user to the Sign up / Log in Page

Fig 5.15.1 Customer Profile Page

I noted down the points to provide a more comprehensive overview of the features and functionalities that users can expect on each page. I also wrote brief summaries of the key features for each page, providing an overview. These summaries highlight the primary objectives and functionalities of each page, ensuring that users can navigate the website effectively and find the information or services they are seeking. 

I hope that the functional aspects ensure that each page serves its purpose effectively, providing users with the necessary tools, information, and functionality to navigate the website, explore products, make informed decisions, and interact with the brand.


For this wireframe,  Adena, our group leader, took the lead in constructing the elements. I incorporated their work into the Figma wireframe and added a functional button in the header to link our website prototype wireframe to the Kickstarter website page. To enhance the realism of the wireframe, I included a screenshot of the website bar from my own MacBook, which contributed to a more authentic representation of the user interface.

Fig 5.16.1 Kickstarter Page

Working Figma file

Fig 5.17.1 Working Figma File

Utilizing Figma's software capabilities, I leveraged its component system to create reusable elements that can be easily implemented across various pages of the website, streamlining the prototyping process and enhancing interactivity and realism. 

Fig 6.1 Overview of Components

The key features I developed include:
  • Custom navigation bars: 
    • Consistent navigation elements designed to maintain a cohesive user experience throughout the website.
  • Side menu hover feature
    • Provides visual active feedback for the user to view where their cursor is, enabling ease of navigation.
  • Dropdown menus
    • Allows users to choose their preferred option out of multiple choices.
  • Dropdown info
    • For an accordion-style information layout.
  • Payment Options UI
    • To allow users to select whichever payment option is most convenient and accessible for their purchase.
  • Dynamic image carousels: 
    • Sliding image galleries that showcase multiple visuals or product variations, allowing users to explore content or options.
  • Modal windows and overlays: 
    • Pop-up windows or overlays that display additional information, notifications, or interactive content.
  • Yes / no toggle buttons
    • For users to actively focus on the option they must choose for specific questions.
  • Counter Button
    • For users to select the desired quantity of product in an interactive manner.
  • Interactive buttons: 
    • Engaging and clickable buttons that provide visual feedback upon interaction, enhancing user engagement (three states: enabled, hover, pressed).
  • Heart animation / favouriting option
    • Provides visual feedback to show the user their favourite products in a fun, appealing manner.
  • Animated transitions: 
    • Smooth and visually pleasing transitions between pages or elements, enhancing the overall user experience.

Fig 6.2  Navigation Bar

Fig 6.3 Side menu hover feature

Fig 6.4 Dropdown menu 1 (curated journey process page)

Fig 6.5 Dropdown menu 2 (product page)

Fig 6.6 Dropdown info (FAQ page)

Fig 6.7 Payment options  UI (checkout page)

Fig 6.8 Confirmation popup overlay 1

Fig 6.9 Confirmation popup overlay 2

Fig 6.10 Yes/no toggle button (curated journey process)

Fig 6.11 Quantity Counter Button (product page)

Fig  6.12 Button 1

Fig  6.13 Button 2

Fig  6.14 Button 3

Fig  6.15 Button 4

Fig  6.16 Button 5

Fig  6.17 Heart Animation / Favouriting option (shop & product pages)

By utilizing these Figma components, I have created a library of design elements that can be easily reused and customized, allowing for consistent and efficient prototyping across different pages of the website. This approach not only saves time but also adds depth and realism to the user experience. 

Prototyping Process

7.1  Overview of Prototyping Stage

During the website prototyping process on Figma, I utilized its versatile features and functionalities to create an engaging and interactive user experience. Figma allowed me to efficiently design and iterate on various pages, incorporating components and elements that could be easily reused throughout the website. Essentially, the component system helped maintain consistency across different screens and improve the overall efficiency of the prototyping process.

For page transitions, I primarily utilized the dissolve animation with an ease-out style, setting the transition duration between 200ms to 800ms. In some cases, I also incorporated slide left or slide right animations with an ease-out style, ensuring smooth transitions within a duration of 300ms to 600ms. To replicate the experience of navigating between actual website pages, I implemented a reset of the scroll position and component state between each page transition. This approach created a refreshed and new page appearance, resembling the natural behavior observed when moving between different sections of a real website.

During the prototyping process, I encountered a challenge related to ensuring consistent functionality across repeated features. To address this issue, I adopted a systematic approach by thoroughly reviewing each page and feature to ensure no elements were missed during prototyping. While I made careful efforts to cover all necessary interactions, occasional oversights did occur. However, I identified and rectified these oversights during testing and subsequent iterations, ensuring that all elements received the required functionality.

I displayed some of the more diverse component prototyping I did below.

They are:
  • Side menu hovering animation prototyping
  • Dropdown menu animation prototyping 
  • Changing payment options UI animation prototyping
  • Counter button animation prototyping
  • Interactive button states prototyping
  • Heart animation prototyping

Fig 7.2.1 Side menu hovering

Fig 7.2.2 Dropdown menu I

Fig 7.2.3 Dropdown menu II

Fig 7.2.4 Payment options UI

Fig 7.2.5 Counter button

Fig 7.2.6 Interactive button states

Fig 7.2.7 Heart animation

Test Video Walkthrough

Fig  8.1 Test Video Walkthrough

After completing the website design, I conducted a thorough test by creating a video walkthrough of the website. This process proved to be highly beneficial in identifying minor errors and addressing any small issues that required fixing. I presented the test video to Mr. Mike, allowing him to provide valuable feedback on the overall functionality and user experience. Based on his positive response, he said I could submit the video as a comprehensive demonstration of the website's features.

Updated Website Video Walkthrough

Fig 8.2.1 Video Editing in Premiere Pro Workspace

Fig 8.2.2 Updated Website VideoWalkthrough

After addressing and resolving the recurring issues that arose during the development process, I proceeded to record the final video walkthrough of the website. This video showcases the polished version of the website, highlighting its refined design, smooth functionality, and seamless user experience. The final video walkthrough serves as a comprehensive demonstration of the website's key features.

One limitation I encountered while using Figma's prototype presentation view is the requirement to click and drag with the mouse to navigate the pages, which can result in jerky and unnatural movements during screen recordings. This posed some challenges for me during the recording process. However, to mitigate this issue, I adjusted the speed duration of the recording to 220%, which helped to smoothen the transitions and enhance the overall viewing experience. Despite this minor inconvenience, I was able to effectively showcase the website's functionality and design through the recorded walkthrough.

To enhance the visual appeal of the screen recording, I incorporated an adjustment layer to adjust the colors and contrast. This adjustment helped to counteract any dullness or darkening caused by the recording process, ensuring a more vibrant and engaging visual experience. Furthermore, I applied a sharpen effect (22%) to improve the overall video quality and clarity. To create a soothing ambiance, I also included background music that complements the content and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Task 03: Produce the final presentation of the proposed solution to a panel of reviewers

Final Haelan Herbs Presentation Deck

Fig 9.1 Final Haelan Herbs Presentation Deck

Final Haelan Herbs Website Prototype 

Fig 9.2 Final Haelan Herbs Website Prototype

Final Submission Haelan Herbs Website Walkthrough

Fig 9.3 Final Haelan Herbs Walkthrough

Final Project Tracking Document 

Links to my Group Members e-Portfolios:


All feedback available in the project tracking document linked above!


Week 01

In this week, we were briefed on the MIB by Mr. Mike who then introduced the available brand projects to the class. Immediately, I was interested in “Apothecary” as someone who believes strongly in self-care, uses TCM and has ayurvedic practices. Another project I considered was “Feng Shui” as it similarly fell into my area of personal interests. As Mr. Mike explained more about the brands and gave an explanation as to what we would have to do, I found myself leaning more towards the first topic. Following this, my nearby classmates and I discussed which topic we would like to do, luckily we had similar thoughts. We still needed to find three more people and Mr. Mike said we could group with those who were in the Tuesday class so we decided to wait. Eventually, we formed a group of six with Yi Ki, Sasiliva and Adlina. Next, we had to select a group leader and considering the fact that all of us have previous experiences being one, we had no qualms who it would be. Thus, we spun a digital wheel and it landed on Adena. Following this, we tasked ourselves to start on the contextual research regarding competitors, trends, market growth, potential opportunities and limitations that would aid us with our next step, user personas.

Week 02

This week, to start off during our Monday session, Adena, Adeline and I went to gather feedback on our progress from Mr. Mike. We were asked to summarise the information we found in our MIRO board and present it. Soon after, we updated our Tuesday group members of the updates we garnered. Then on Friday, we had a meeting with Mr. Damien who explained the vision for the brand and what type of packaging this would entail. He even brought a sample product that we were able to study and keep. He also talked more about the lifestyle that ‘Apothecary’ would aim to inspire and imbue in its users and audience, saying that it is more than just a product and more so an active way of thinking. My group then set up a time and date for visiting their site in Bukit Jalil. We managed to settle on Friday in the next two weeks at 2PM that would suit everyone’s schedule. Following that, our group moved to a private library room to discuss the user personas we wanted for the brand. It was an engaging and thought provoking experience to have to craft a realistic persona with different interests and needs and how it would entail the need for ‘Apothecary’.

Week 03

During week 3, I was absent for the Monday class as I was not feeling well. Later I caught up with the feedback from my lovely group members regarding the personas and the online questionnaire we wish to send out. Once it was amended and final changes were made, the go ahead was given to distribute it. Following this, all of us blasted out the questionnaire on several social media websites. Personally, I shared it mostly on my personal Instagram profile and amongst family and friends chats as I have an older sister with many acquaintances that fit one of the persona’s we are looking for (pregnant and newborn mothers). Additionally, I managed to meet with several of my sister’s friends who are newborn mothers that have knowledge of and prefer using herbal products and practices and I managed to collect their data for the online questionnaire.

Week 04

In this week, we received feedback on Tuesday from Mr. Mike. He told us to close the questionnaire if there were no more responses. To help my group members with the workload, I did a little data sorting for the questionnaire answers. Following this, on Friday our group had a site visit in Bukit Jalil to D’Advance Agarwood Solutions/Nan Yang Chen Xiang which was set up on behalf of Mr. Damien. Thanks to this, we were able to ask Ms Zaiqi all sorts of questions about the products, the intentions behind them, popular customers, the ingredients (+ sourcing locations), and much more. We were even able to test out some of the products like tea, incense sticks, and essential oils. During the visit, my primary intention was to ask questions for more information and take photographs of the office space and products alongside my group member, Yi Ki, for easy referencing at a later date.

Week 05

In this week, our group had an online meeting on Monday to focus on our MIRO board as well as diving sections of the Google Document to update it as per our current progress. We then received feedback from Mr. Mike regarding our MIRO board, specifically, insights discovery and ideation progress. He advised that we update two of the insight statements as they felt incomplete. Following this, we began brainstorming for our brand name by putting all of our ideas and explanations for them in the miro. Later on, we had a meeting on Friday at 1PM where we discussed the final brand name as well as other topics such as the HMW questions and furthering the presentation slides for the upcoming proposal next week. The finalised chosen brand name is “Miyu Herb”. We then started assigning sections for the presentation and the section I received was regarding the four personas. We agreed that we should finish everything by Sunday night. Additionally, Mr. Mike recommended that our art director be a graphic design student, seeing that Adena is already our group leader, Adeline was elected and she did amazingly selecting typography, colour palette, the moodboard and many more design decisions.

Week 06

In this week, Adena and I received feedback from Mr. Mike on Monday, regarding our progress for the MIRO board and presentation slides. Adena did a wonderful job presenting whilst I took the notes. On Tuesday, disaster struck and I became very ill with COVID-19 so my contributions this week were not as much as usual. Throughout the week, we continued working on updating the slides based off of the feedback. I assisted Adena with arranging the market survey slides along with Yi Ki, who also helped with summarising the personas into a single slide. We all took turns helping each other check the work. Lastly, on Friday, we decided to come up with one new brand name as our precious one was rejected due to sounding too close to a certain country’s language. On Sunday, we voted for our favourite one with Sasilvia’s “Haelan Herbs” winning with Adeline’s “The Herbarium / The Herbaria” coming in second.

Week 07

This week, our group received feedback from Mr. Mike for the User Journey map as well as the presentation proposal slides. We then proceeded to work on fixing the design direction for more updates the following day. Next, we received more constructive criticism regarding the logos and posters. Due to the fact that there was much to change and update, we agreed to an online meeting this friday. During the meeting, our group leader, Adena, determined exactly what we had to do for each slide. Throughout our discussion, we all helped each other out with areas we were confused on and needed help elaborating with. I mostly worked on the two sections: contextual research and solving the problem. Our next task is to prepare for the presentation. Finally, at the end of the meeting, we had a group game session to get to know each other better and relax after hard work.

Week 08

During independent learning week, once we received feedback from Mr. Mike, we resumed working on bettering the presentation slides and making them as short and comprehensive as possible to provide a clear delivery to the client. We made the slides that have long paragraphs more point-focused. Our art director, Adeline also updated the branding designs for the posters while we helped give feedback based on our brand ideas. Following that, we split the presentation slides into sections and we were allowed to choose which ones we wanted to present the next week. I selected section 2 which is about the personas and the survey analysis. We then wrote our script in a shared Google document to prepare and also recorded roughly how long our sections would be just to get an estimate of how long our total presentation would be.

Week 09

This week, after our group leader, Adena, received approval from Mr. Mike for our google slides, we did one last check and sweep for any errors. Then, we began typing out our scripts for our sections of the presentation. The evening before, we had a meeting in Discord to have a runthrough practice presentation to check the overall time and flow of our speaking. Overall, it went quite well and I felt much more confident after practising. I believe it was thanks to this trial that our official presentation went smoothly despite a few technical issues and we were able to receive insightful feedback and points from both Mr. Damien and Ms. Zae. We discussed our goods and could-be-improved based off of this advice and how we hoped to move forward. Our group leader, Adena, sent the finalised Gantt Chart and asked which tasks we would like to do. As the member specialising in UI/UX, I felt I would be most useful in the website aspects so I asked to be assigned to do all the wireframe and website designs as well as prototyping for the final presentation. I also started the UI/UX aspect of this project and began creating the UI stylesheet for the e-commerce platform website prototype. My group members were very helpful and active in their support and feedback of my progress, making sure that everything not only looked nice but felt good for the future prototype site development.

Week 10

In this week, Monday was a public holiday so my other group members, Yi Ki, Sasilvia and Adlina helped present our current progress to Mr. Mike. Over the previous weekend, I had mostly completed the construction of the website wireframe pages. These included the landing, about, shop, products, curated journey, FAQ, contact, sign up/log in, and customer profile page. I focused on the design and UI aspect more than content which is being left to the dedicated copywriters.

Week 11

This week on Monday, Adeline, Adena, Sasilvia and I attended the tutorial class for feedback from Mr. Mike mainly regarding the art direction and a few questions for the website wireframes. Throughout the week, Adeline (our art director) continued giving updates and progression for design direction by presenting it through detailed slides that entailed the colour and contrast values we could use for the brand. Everyone agreed on and loved it for the brand atmosphere and aesthetics. On my side, I continued planning the structure for the wireframes design and prototyping animations.

Week 12

During this week, on Monday, Adena, Adeline and I received critical feedback from Mr. Mike for the design direction which includes photo colour correction presets for the brand, posters, product descriptions and the social media planning. Following that on Tuesday, Yi Ki, Sasilvia and Adlina presented the video content that had been edited and prepared for the Kickstarter and brand. On Thursday we all agreed to have a meeting the next day at 2PM in order to discuss the social media calendar. In this meeting, we discussed the content ideas and the frequency or number of posts we would like to have a week and how many we wanted in total. We organised the flow in a way that we felt would ease viewers into the brand and the products comprehensively. We also helped the video editors Yi Ki and Adlina by searching and sharing links to high quality potential stock videos that we thought they could potentially use in their content.

Week 13

For this week, on Monday we received our first round of feedback for the final design direction and social media calendar which he approved and told us to start expediting the process. Following that on Tuesday, Adlina, Yi Ki and Sasilvia presented the customer service section and several of the Kickstarter posts. For my own individual progress, I worked Thursday through to Sunday on the prototype wireframes for the website. The first two days were finalising content, design decisions and overall placement and positions of UI and elements. The next two days were prototyping page transitions and micro + macro animations and interactions. It was quite the learning curve considering I usually use Adobe XD but Figma is much more advanced on the prototyping front and well-worth the effort of studying the software. I’m glad the long hours paid off because now at the end of the week, the prototype wireframes are 90% complete and ready for the final edits and content updates, leaving me more able to help my group mates with their work. They provided insightful feedback into my current progress as well, helping me finetune the website to the best it can be.

Week 14

For this week, starting on Monday, Adeline, Adena and I went to receive valuable feedback on various aspects of our project. We specifically focused on gathering feedback regarding product packaging, website design, and our Kickstarter campaign. The overall response was positive, with constructive insights provided to enhance certain areas further. This encouraging feedback motivated us to continue refining our work. On Tuesday, Adlina, Sasilvia and Yi Ki went to get feedback on social media, more product packaging, and the quiz. In addition, we scheduled a meeting for the upcoming week to discuss and collaborate on the presentation slides, as well as finalise the project tracking document. My goals and tasks for this week included updating the website prototype wireframes based off of Monday’s feedback and also preparing a new wireframe and prototyping that for the Kickstarter.

Week 15

In week 15, we began to conclude our remaining tasks for the project, including social media content, videos, product packaging and the website. On my side, I finalised any small errors that were discovered in the website prototype and updated some images, some functionality points, the sharing link and also recorded a full walkthrough to easily showcase the features and functionalities I created. On Tuesday, we held a meeting to work on filling up the project tracking document and began working on the presentation slides. My section being website and Kickstarter along with Yi Ki. We set a deadline for it to be complete by 5PM on Wednesday and we also tasked ourselves to write our presentation scripts before the next gathering. Following that, the day before the final presentation, we had a meeting at 8PM to rehearse and time our sections where we made a few iterations to decrease the time and have a more cohesive, comprehensive script. Lastly, on Friday, we presented our final project to Mr. Mike, Mr. Damien, Ms. Zae and other groups. We received positive comments and it all went very smoothly. I’m very proud of our group. All that’s left now is to organise and submit our documents.


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