WEEK 1 - WEEK 14 (03/01/2022 - 01/04/2022)
Alicia Teng Yi Ling / 0345159 / BDCM
Intercultural Design 
Final Artbook Submission


Work Progression

As I made the survey, I was allowed to pick first of which two personas I wanted to illustrate and I went with 2 and 6 as they interested me the most and I believed I could make a worthy persona for them.

Persona 2 - Tsukihime

For Persona 2's design, I wanted to go for something extravagant and with a lot of ambient lighting and splashes of colour. I thought about something like a ballgown for her clothing. Her design was inspired by jellyfishes. I think that they look so elegant in their appearance that is overall quite simple and yet there is so much intricate folds and frills in their tendrils so they are very interesting to study. 


I knew I wanted to go for an aquatic setting with a almost fully blue toned colour palette. Below are some references for my background setting and colours. I liked the sea wave patterns in Fig 1.1. 

Fig 1.1 Reference Image #1

Fig 1.2 Reference Image #2

Key Features

  • Jellyfish-like dress
  • Translucent skin
  • Ballet Pose
  • Colourful Bubbles
  • Shaded Circle
  • Overall Blue Colour Scheme

Fig 2.1 Intro Page for Tsukihime

Fig 2.2 Alternate Design Sketch

Fig 2.3 Basic Sketch and B & W Base Colouring

Fig 2.4 Basic Colours added to character

Fig 2.5 Details Added

Fig 2.6 Bubbles coloured, highlights put in & other extra details

Final Persona 2 Piece

Fig 3.1 Final Persona 2 Art Piece - “Tsukihime” (23/02/2022)

Persona 6 - Yui

Recently, I have been watching a lot of documentaries and informative videos regarding Japanese culture, whether it be architecture, ceramics, art or even knives, I have always admired their philosophies when it comes to creation and the fact that every piece feels so full of purpose and innovation. Due to this, I wanted to create this persona with Japanese elements. In the "mask" part of the answer, I wanted to use a Kitsune (Fox) mask to portray that as foxes can be regarded as animals of goodwill (they are used as statues in shrines and are seen as messangers from deities) but they can also be cunning and deceitful.


For this piece, I wanted it to look dark and dangerous so I wanted to go with red and black colours with dim lighting. With the lighting I wanted to create an air of eeriness and mystery just like in Fig 4.2. 

Fig 4.1 Reference Image #1

Fig 4.2 Reference Image #2

Key Features

  • Kitsune Mask
  • Acrobatic Pose
  • White hair
  • Nudity
  • Japanese Floating Lanterns
  • Talismans of Blessing
  • Dark colour scheme with red and gold

Fig 5.1 Intro Page for Yui

Fig 5.2 Rough Concept Sketch

Fig 5.3 Refined sketch with minimal lighting & shading added

Fig 5.4 Skin rendering & Skin tone 

Fig 5.5 Japanese Floating Lanterns Added

Fig 5.6 Lightning & Atmosphere colouring Corrected

Final Persona 6 Piece

Fig 6.1 Final Persona 6 Art Piece - Yui (20/02/2022)

My Personas: KingSaltBoi & HoldHands

A long time persona (roughly five years) that has changed slightly over the years but remains mostly the same, especially in physical appearance. She was formed around the time I started playing video games and needed a nickname to log in. Her appearance and personality was created by my will to appear powerful and beautiful. Especially in a dark and mysterious way, I wanted to be special like a lot of young children do. In a way, she was who I wanted to be when I grew up, someone who was strong and amazed other people with the things she could do.  

Developed more recently (about one year ago) around the time that I met my significant other. She formed after my mental health improved significantly and I began embracing myself and liking cute things. I became increasingly interested in pink and adorable items and I developed the name “HoldHands”. This was because of a game named “Among Us” that was popular at the time and I liked sticking around with my friends even while I was the imposter. This slowly turned more into a persona that was surrounded by pink or pastel colours and a much more wholesome persona than my last one. In this persona, it felt more like I was focused on growth and I strived to help people and take care of others.


For KingSaltBoi, I was looking through some old games and took some screenshots of what my old characters look like which I inserted below. This was for reference and inspiration for my character outfits. I could not access others because the games are so old, they are either deleted or I forgot my password.

From the game “Darkness Rises”
Note: Two characters cannot have the same name so I compromised.

Fig 7.1 Character #1

Fig 7.2 Character #2

Fig 7.3 Couple Pose Inspiration

I wanted to draw my personas together intertwined in an intimate pose. This is to symbolize their closeness because they are from the same person, are both utilised consistently and exist at the same time so they are close despite how different they are.

Key Features

Red and white chrysanthemum tattoos: Red symbolises love whilst white means loyalty
Snake tattoos: In this context, is meant to symbolise rebirth and power
Devil horns: They were inspired by my favourite player category (assassins or demon hunters)  
Japanese inspired outfits: I adore the appearance and elegance of kimonos and when they were adapted by Japanese female hunters I fell in love with how stunning their design was. 
Colour theme: Black, red, and white

Floating heart icon: Symbolises my newfound liking for cute, adorable things 
Heart shaped pupils: Further emphasises the cute look 
Puffy, flowy dress: Meant to make her look light and breezy but also well dressed.
Overall pink colour scheme: Inspired by my recently and excessively growing love for the colour pink. I think it looks adorable.

Fig 8.1 My Personas Intro Page

Fig 8.2 Rough Sketch

Fig 8.3 Minor Changes (KingSaltBoi Hair)

Fig 8.4 Base B & W Colours Put in

Fig 8.5 Refined Sketch Lines & Changed minor details

Fig 8.6 Shading Added

Final Piece for My Personas: KingSaltBoi & HoldHands

Fig 9.1 Final Persona Art Piece (23/02/2022)

Final Submission

The final artbook with everyone's artwork compiled nicely (by Group Leader Diane) can be found in the link below.

Please enjoy! <3

Or  feel free to use this QR Code!


This project was so fun to do, I thoroughly enjoyed planning, designing and creating the personas as well as brining my own to life. The drawings turned out beautifully and I believe they encapsulate the emotions and meaning I was trying to imbue in them. It was time consuming and tiring trying to juggle this large project with other individual projects and this is one the projects that take almost all of my energy but it turns out extremely worth it in the end. I am very proud of how our group artbook turned out.


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